The White House & Tribal Nations: A 2022 Summary

Sadie Vermillion
Policy & Research Analyst
The Biden-Harris Administration completed another year in which it continued its work to strengthen the nation-to-nation relationship between Tribal Nations and the Federal Government. The various events, initiatives and policy actions were compiled in the White House Tribal Nations Summit Progress Report, released at the 2022 White House Tribal Nations Summit.
The following list includes some of the Administration's notable actions from the last year.
Nation-to-Nation Relationship
New or Updated Tribal Consultations Policies and Guidance for nine Federal Government Agencies
Established the first-ever Office of Tribal and Native Affairs at Treasury
Investments in Indian Country
Implemented the 2021 American Rescue Plan funding for Tribal Communities
Requested more that $31 billion for investments in Indian Country in the 2023 Budget
Protecting the Sacred
Tribal Homelands
Broadband & Technology
Water Infrastructure
Missing or Murdered Indigenous Peoples
The Indian Child Welfare Act
Federal Indian Boarding Schools
For a complete list of the Tribally focused actions taken by the Biden-Harris Administration during 2022, see the full White House Tribal Nations Summit Progress Report.