NTIA Announces A Second Round of TBCP Funding

EJ John
Sr. Research Analyst
On July 27, 2023, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announced a second Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to implement a second round of funding for the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP). The TBCP is a $3 billion program for broadband development on Tribal lands. The TBCP’s first NOFO distributed over $1.7 billion dollars on 191 projects across the country including Alaska and Hawaii. This second NOFO will make approximately $980 million available for additional broadband projects. The following sections outline some of the key information in the NOFO. For additional information please review the NOFO in its entirety or visit the NTIA’s TBCP website. Also continue to follow AIPI for more updates on Tribal broadband development.
The NTIA anticipates the following award amounts:
- Up to a $500,000 equitable distribution for federally recognized tribes that have not received a previous award from the TBCP, including the previous equitable distribution
- $1 million - $50 million for broadband infrastructure deployment projects proposed by a single applicant.
- $100,000 - $2.5 million for broadband use and adoption projects.
- Approximately $72 million to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands per a 3% statutory set aside in addition to the set aside from the first NOFO.
Eligible entities that have previously received funding from the TBCP may apply for additional funding through this second NOFO. Eligible entities for TNCP funding include:
- Tribal Governments;
- Tribal Colleges and Universities;
- The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands on behalf of the Native Hawaiian Community, including Native Hawaiian Education Programs;
- A Tribal organization; or
- An Alaska Native Corporation.
The TBCP is for the deployment and adoption of broadband service on Tribal Land and for programs that promote the use of broadband to access remote learning, telework, or telehealth resources. To that end, the following are eligible uses of TBCP funding:
- Broadband infrastructure deployment projects, including support for the establishment of carrier-neutral submarine cable landing stations; and
- Affordable broadband programs, including—
- Providing free or reduced-cost broadband service and preventing disconnection of existing broadband service;
- preventing disconnection of existing broadband service;
- distance learning;
- Telehealth;
- digital inclusion efforts (including digital equity planning and workforce development activities); and
- broadband adoption activities.
Applications may be submitted electronically or through postal mail. However, submission through the grants.gov website is NTIA’s preferred method. The following are key dates for application submissions:
- Applications submitted online through the Grants.gov system must be received no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on January 23, 2024.
- Applications submitted by postal mail or by courier service must be postmarked (for postal mail) or show clear evidence of mailing (for courier submissions) no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on January 23, 2024.
- Applications submitted by electronic mail must be received no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on January 23, 2024.
- See section D in the full announcement text of the NOFO for detailed information concerning application submission requirements.