Innovative capacity-building


What we do

Our vision is to expand the capacity of Indian Country economic development and growth by offering nationally recognized and accredited educational and professional development training for Tribes, Tribal members, and those entities and individuals working with tribal governments.

The AIPI is serving communities via innovative capacity-building initiatives including working with various partners both within and outside of ASU in Indian Country.  We contribute by providing professional development training opportunities for tribal leaders, tribal government professional staff, tribal members, tribal students, and governments to support the long-term economic sustainability of tribal nations and governments. 

ASU tempe campus

Spring 2023 Indigenous Leadership Academy cohort at the Reservation Economic Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada


AIPI's signature program

The ILA is the first program inclusive of indigenous leadership principles within an IDEA landscape. The differentiating factor for this program is that it is not for just Tribal leaders, it's for emerging Indigenous leaders in Arizona and nationally.