Quarterly Legislative Update
Q3 2024 Legislative Update
This is the third edition of our new quarterly policy update format, the information in our monthly update covers several government websites and databases. AIPI's policy…
Quarterly Legislative Update
Q2 2024 Legislative Update
This edition covers information available through federal and state government websites from 4/1/24 through 6/30/24. In Q2, AIPI reviewed 224 bills in Congress and 248…
The Journey of American Indian Education: A Five-Year Review of American Indian Education Laws, Policies and Initiatives
In addition to showcasing the shared commitment to Indian education through the CIE-AIPI collaboration, this document aims to establish a foundational overview for content…
Quarterly Legislative Update
Q4 2023 Legislative Update
This is the fourth edition of our new quarterly policy update format, the information in our monthly update covers several government websites and databases. AIPI's policy…
Quarterly Legislative Update
Q3 2023 Legislative Update
This edition covers information made available through federal and state government websites from 6/30/23 through 9/29/23. AIPI reviewed 72 bills in Congress as well as 187…
Policy Explainer: Supreme Court Term 2022: Highly Consequential For Principles Of Tribal Sovereignty
AIPI policy explainers present our expert understanding of key and current Indigenous rights issues by distilling expansive and complex policy information into clear and…
Quarterly Legislative Update
Q2 2023 Legislative Update
This is the second edition of our new quarterly policy update format, the information in our monthly update covers several government websites and databases. AIPI's policy…
Quarterly Legislative Update
Q1 2023 Legislative Update
The American Policy Institute (AIPI) tracks proposed legislation and other congressional actions through the monthly policy update in order to inform readers of important…
Policy Solution
POLICY ALERT: Indian Country Fights To Protect ICWA: Haaland v. Brackeen to be heard by SCOTUS on November 9, 2022
On November 9, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will hear the alarming case, Haaland v. Brackeen. The questions of the case are (1) whether the Indian…
FCC Data Collection: Broadband Data Collection in Indian Country
Federal and state data collection efforts are flawed and inaccurate when it comes to Tribal communities; moreover, they omit them entirely. This was proven true for…
Attacks on Tribal Sovereignty: An Analysis of Recent Decisions of the United States Supreme Court
Recent Supreme Court decisions are concerning Tribal Nations and those who work in Indian Law. Most notably, Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta 1 has major implications on the legal…
Policy Solution
AIPI Policy Brief: Tribal Broadband Funding Opportunity Update
Key federal legislation over the last two years created many funding opportunities for Tribes to expand broadband access in their communities. This list of funding programs…